Problem: The consumer is overwhelmed with their busy lives; the grocery shopping task often takes time and planning.
Solution: Inspire the customer at all points of their grocery shopping task, be there as the helpful assistant.
Target: Women grocery shoppers, loyal brand customers.
Strategy: Create an innovative grocery shopping experience by providing a branded application that will inspire long-lasting consumer engagement.
Tactic: Design a mobile grocery shopping application that gives the consumer the ability to plan weekly shopping and meals, get recipes, have ingredients added to the shopping list, and provide the consumer with coupons and meal suggestions. Integrate the application with CRM and brand promotions.
Business case: The grocery shopping application created a bond with the consumer. The grocery shopping app created an increase in purchases. Helping the consumer with their grocery shopping task and meal planning, benefited in knowing:
- Products the consumer desires
- Promotions that work
- Understanding of consumer needs and shopping behavior
- Customer loyalty
The data from the app is helpful to the business in planning, processing, distributing, and forecasting.
Brand case: The branded application created a more significant bond between the customer and the grocery store.
- Built brand relevance
- Built brand stature
- Made consumers’ lives easier
- Provided fresh ideas for product cross-promotion
- Encouraged trial through offers and coupons