Rariable Tezos Tery Spataro

Future in Art and Creation

Creating the Future

Gone are the days of the notion of the poor starving artist. Today art is an industry that is thriving in new and vibrant ways. Access to creative tech gives kids and everyone a chance to create. But there are new environments creators can invent. In the future, creators will imagine settings that will come to life with a thought, a couple of words of instruction, and then an explosion of creativity transpires. The future of art and creation is taking shape through new innovative tools and shifts in how art is sold and owned. For example, blockchain and NFTs are helping creators transform into business owners.


Imagine a world where everyone can be an artist. Where creative freedom drives the market, and it’s in your hands to create a reality that is unique to you. We are on the edge of creativity being released within us all, and why not? Virtual reality tools will allow users to develop new levels of interactions of their imagination with ease.

The metaverse is a connecting virtual place that allows people to live in an alternate reality. The applications for the future of art and creation are limitless, creating a new and vibrant way for artists to express themselves. So how can you prepare your kid or yourself to thrive in that environment? The future is now, and it’s never too early to start imagining, exploring, and creating.

Suppose VR is not your thing. Though in their infancy, AI creations tools give the imagination a way of transforming vision into beautiful works of art. Generative Art (GenArt) is the future of art and creation at the confluence of humans, AI, and the environment.

Business of Art

But there’s a hitch the business of art is evolving. Over this past year, we witnessed an explosion of fine arts buying in the form of NFT. Non-fungible tokes make it easy for artists to protect the art. Most works of art were sold in galleries by dealers in the past. The artist would get a cut of the sale. Unless you are a known artist, the amount was usually smaller than the galleries. Now with NFTs, art can establish a percentage of ownership of the art for the life of the art. This business paradigm shift is an exciting development.

From a technical perspective, a couple of things need to happen before we can turn the art industry on its head. First, we need to see an increase in attention from retailers and collectors to this relatively new concept (which will inevitably occur once it gets ingrained in people’s minds that blockchain technology and NFTs are here to stay). Second, it can be easier for sellers to accept payments in these digital currencies and more straightforward for buyers to purchase them. However, if these two problems get solved within the next few years, we could see a wave of new innovative, creative environs and an explosion of new art forms.

NFT Art by Tery

Tery Designs NFT art is available on the Tezos blockchain. I choose to use Tezos because the low carbon footprint of Tezos means developers and users can prioritize innovation without compromising sustainability. Artists can mint with low gas fees. You can find my art here:

About Tery Spataro 

I find myself at the forefront of imagining the evolution of technology, the human condition, and nature. I am a creator, author, futurist, philosopher, and entrepreneur pursuing creativity.

The theme of my art is the confluence of nature, humans, and technology. Besides creating thought-provoking pieces, I infuse bits of humor to make a memorable point. My contrivances are intermingling Adobe Creative tools, Playform AI or Tiltbrush VR. My creative outputs are surface designs for physical objects, abstract animated digital works, picture books, science fiction stories, and digital operas.