Like I said Phoenix is rising there is an opportunity for Phoenix to be the city of the future. It’s all contingent on putting the right plans in place. While I am new to the land of the sun I am certainly no stranger. This is my 2nd and a half attempt to live here. First attempt was back in 1993; I actually packed up my life and moved to Phoenix site unseen, can you believe it. But I wanted a sense of adventure and needed a temporary break from New York. Joanne Fried, my sister and U-Haul’s Marketing and PR star, said Phoenix is the place to be. I came and went I wasn’t ready for a life of leisure so I ran quickly back to the thick of New York City. My half attempt was opening a retail business in Phoenix bad market timing but great experience. Again I ran back to New York City for lucrative consulting project. They say three times is a charm and I say it’s not what Phoenix is going to do for me but what I am going to do to help Phoenix.
Mayor Phil Gordon should seek out us urbanites that love, love, love concrete landscaping. I’m one of those people. When I think of going downtown I think of the endless possibilities of entertainment, dining, art, and social networking opportunities. All of these ingredients make a brilliant habitable downtown living experience. No I haven’t forgotten the most important ingredient is business opportunities and jobs. I envision Phoenix rising up from behind and creating awesome opportunities in the new science tech sectors. There is mention of biotech, high tech but other new technologies should be considered as well like Nanotechnology. Think of the research opportunities between the sciences, whew! Think of the potential for new business and new jobs. I salivate at the marketing potential. Phoenix has the right business environmental mix providing low taxes and inexpensive startup costs, but needs to reach beyond the state borders and entice big business researchers and investors to put a stake in the ground. Imagine connections for ASU to other research Universities. I can see the incubators now percolating!
I like Mayor Gordon he’s young, ambitious, and committed to rebuilding Phoenix. Though I haven’t met him yet I have belief from his speeches and interviews he really is going to change things for the downtown area. I love the idea of the Light Rail. It works well in Denver, why not Phoenix? I’m going make a small little real estate investment in downtown and do my part to lure friends, business colleagues, former investor friends and new entrepreneurs to seek out downtown Phoenix and make it their home. And encourage citizens to take an active role in shaping Phoenix’s future.